Monday, August 24, 2009

Life Story

I want to go back to a life story fit for a song blog and my blessing blog. As I have reflected on both of these, I can see how related they are. If we, as believers work on blessing others, our lives would be fit for a song.

One year while hosting the junior varsity volleyball tournament at Our Redeemer's Christian School, I had an encounter with the value of a blessing. My team was playing against Bismarck in the old gym (for those of you who are not acquainted with the old gym - it has orange carpet on it - and yes, it provides for some nasty rug burns). A girl from the Bismarck team sneezed, and almost immediately Kirsten from our team said to her, "God bless you."

It was my responsibility to coach and run the tournament, and as I was placing teams into the tournament bracket, the coach from Bismarck came over to talk with me. She proceeded to tell me how much her girls liked my girls because they were so nice and kind. She then told me about the sneezing incident and the sincerity of the "God bless you" statement from one of my girls. I knew it had to be Kirsten and I checked to confirm - yep!

A simple and kind word was spoken and it made a tremendous impact on a group of girls that had no idea what their opponents were like. They drew a positive conclusion from a sincere "God bless you."

What if every time we said "God bless you" to someone, we really stopped and prayed for a blessing to pour out on them. That God's favor would be evident on their life and they would be changed as a result. All I know is that this one spoken "God bless you" made a profound difference for a bunch of girls from Bismarck.

So when I tell you to have a blessed week, I am going to pray that God will bless any and all of you who read our blogs with good health, ordered steps when trying to get so much done in a day, guidance or direction in decisions (big or small), and an opportunity to bless someone else.
When blessing others becomes a priority in our lives, I am sure it is then our life story will be fit for a song!

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